CameraNoClip 1.0pre1 - Initial Pre-Release

CameraNoClip 1.0pre1 update image

This version of CameraNoClip is available for Minecraft 1.19.x.


  • Initial pre-release build, created for compatibility testing.
  • This build only supports Fabric.


  • Removes the annoying camera snapping effect in third-person mode
  • Allows the camera to move around freely, without snapping to nearby blocks and entities
  • Improves user comfort during gameplay

Important Notes

  • This mod is client-side only, meaning it does not need to be installed on a server for you to enjoy its benefits.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of Fabric and a compatible version of the Fabric API installed.




  1. Install Fabric.

  2. Add the Fabric API to your mods folder.

  3. Add CameraNoClip to your mods folder.