CameraNoClip 1.0pre2 - Bugfixes, Forge Support

CameraNoClip 1.0pre2 update image

This version of CameraNoClip is available for Minecraft 1.19.x.



  • Removes the annoying camera snapping effect in third-person mode
  • Allows the camera to move around freely, without snapping to nearby blocks and entities
  • Improves user comfort during gameplay
  • Compatible with both Fabric and Forge

Important Notes

  • This mod is client-side only, meaning it does not need to be installed on a server for you to enjoy its benefits.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of Fabric or Forge installed for Minecraft 1.19.
  • When using Fabric, you need to install a compatible version of the Fabric API as well.




  1. Install Fabric.

  2. Add the Fabric API to your mods folder.

  3. Add CameraNoClip to your mods folder.


  1. Install Forge.

  2. Add CameraNoClip to your mods folder.