Mo Glass 1.11 - More Tests and Fixes

Mo Glass 1.11 update image

This version of Mo Glass is available for Minecraft 1.21.4, as well as snapshots 1.21.5-pre1 and 25w10a.


  • Added a test that checks if the names of Mo Glass’s items show up correctly. (An unreleased build of Mo Glass for 24w45a had a bug where you would see the raw translation keys instead.)

  • Added a test that checks if all of Mo Glass’s crafting and stonecutting recipes work. (Mo Glass 1.8 had a bug where all recipes stopped working in Minecraft 1.20.5/6.)

  • Added a test that checks thousands of different combinations of glass blocks, stairs, and slabs to make sure they all connect properly to each other.

  • Added a test that checks if the tinted glass slabs and stairs correctly block light depending on their orientation. (An unreleased build of Mo Glass for 24w33a had a bug where they stopped blocking light.)

  • Added a test that checks if all of the glass slabs and stairs drop the correct items when mined with and without silk touch.

  • Fixed a bug where non-tinted glass slabs would not connect to inner curved stairs of the same type, if those stairs were 90° rotated relative to the slab and either the slab was a double slab or the stairs were upside down relative to the slab. Confusing, I know, but just check the example screenshots and it will make sense: example 1, example 2, example 3

  • Fixed a bug where there would be a hole in the side of inner curved glass stairs when placed next to another glass stair in certain orientations. (example 1, example 2)

  • Fixed a bug where inner curved glass stairs would have a hole in their front side if you used a debug stick to make them curve towards something that they normally couldn’t. (example 1, example 2, example 3)

  • Fixed various scenarios in which outer curved glass stairs would not connect to other glass stairs correctly. (example 1, example 2, example 3, example 4, example 5, example 6)

  • Fixed a bug in the loot tables causing non-tinted glass slabs and stairs to drop as items when being mined without silk touch. (Only tinted glass is supposed to do this.)


  • Glass Slabs
  • Glass Stairs
  • Stained Glass Slabs
  • Stained Glass Stairs
  • Tinted Glass Slabs
  • Tinted Glass Stairs
  • Working Transparency
  • Working Translucency

Crafting Recipes

Glass Slab: (click to expand)

glass slab crafting recipe
glass slab stonecutter recipe

Glass Stairs: (click to expand)

glass stairs crafting recipe
glass stairs stonecutter recipe


Supported Languages: (click to expand)
  • Chinese (Simplified/Mainland)
  • Chinese (Traditional/Taiwan)
  • English (US)
  • French (France)
  • German (Germany)
  • Italian (Italy)
  • Japanese (Japan)
  • Oshiwambo (Oshindonga)
  • Oshiwambo (Oshikwanyama)
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Russian (Russia)
  • Spanish (Argentina)
  • Spanish (Chile)
  • Spanish (Ecuador)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Spanish (Uruguay)
  • Spanish (Venezuela)



Mo Glass can be installed just like any other Minecraft mod.

Important: Always make sure that your modloader and all of your mods are made for the same Minecraft version. Your game will crash if you mix different versions.

Installation using Fabric

  1. Install Fabric Loader.

  2. Add Fabric API to your mods folder.

  3. Add Mo Glass to your mods folder.